J8 was created in 1990, by Joey Crabtree during the collapse of the heavy metal revival. Designed for musicians in need of original pieces for elaborate stage presence, the jewelry had to be durable yet unique. Because of the elegant nature of each creation, the wives and girlfriends requested pieces be made for them, thus J8 Jewelry was born.
As a little girl, Joey was influenced by both her father's business of antique restoration, and hobby of riding Harley Davidsons. Helping him in the garage was one of her favorite pass times applying the edginess of the metal, and the ornate details of European antiques into her creations. The training she recieved from her father to reincarnate ruined ancient pieces of history, and wrench on vintage bikes developed her skills to construct her mini pieces of art.
Back by popular demand, J8 has been reborn into the elegant rocker couture collection... |